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  • Certificate in Asia PLI

    This is the demo version of Module 1, Lesson 1: Foundations of Professional Liability Insurance. This does not count towards completion of Module 1 under the Certificate in Asia PLI.

    This includes access to Lesson 1 of Asia Module 1 only.

    This lesson describes the general purpose of PLI and sources of professional liability. It examines different types of professional liability and the standards of care that are required of various professionals.

    Completion of this demo does not count towards Asia Module 1 or the Certificate in Asia Professional Liability Insurance (PLI).

  • Certificate in Asia PLI

    This module provides a foundation of basic concepts needed for understanding professional liability insurance (PLI). Understanding the basic PLI concepts provides a foundation from which to further your studies. This module introduces the fundamental principles of PLI that establish a baseline of knowledge for understanding all forms of PLI. While many lines of PLI are available, PLI has several common features.  Learners who begin their study of PLI have varying degrees of knowledge and skill. This module will enable all learners to have a good understanding of fundamental concepts and to understand the basic principles underlying PLI.

    This module provides a foundation of basic concepts and fundamental principles needed for understanding all forms of PLI. While many lines of PLI are available, PLI has several common features. Learners who begin their study of PLI have varying degrees of knowledge and skill. This module will enable all learners to have a good understanding of fundamental concepts and basic principles underlying PLI.

    This module is designed for:

    • Agent/brokers who are new to selling PLI or who would like a better understanding of potential exposures.
    • Underwriters with no specific prior experience with PLI policies or who would benefit from a better understanding of how to assess PLI risks.
    • Claims professionals with no prior experience with PLI claims or who would like to deepen their understanding of how to evaluate these types of claims.
    • Personnel in reinsurance companies who reinsure PLI policies.
      Anyone else who would like an introduction to PLI.

    This module waives Module 3: Professional Liability Insurance: Introduction as part of the RPLU designation.

  • Certificate in Asia PLI

    The past several decades have seen an increase in lawsuits against corporate directors and officers, private companies, and non-profit organizations. Shareholders, employees, customers, and the government can all file lawsuits against these entities. Similarly, the regulatory environment has become more complex and onerous for companies and their directors. The need for directors and officers (D&O) liability insurance has never been greater. You may think that D&O coverage is only for large, public companies. However, the directors and officers of small, private companies and even non-profit organizations now have a greater risk of D&O lawsuits than they did in the past. Understanding the exposures that directors and officers face, as well as the coverage and protection provided by D&O liability insurance, increases your value to both your company and to your clients. This module introduces you to the types of exposures and coverage offered, and your role in providing this important product to your client companies.

    The past several decades have seen an increase in lawsuits against corporate directors and officers, private companies, and non-profit organizations. Shareholders, employees, customers, and the government can all file lawsuits against these entities. Similarly, the regulatory environment has become more complex and onerous for companies and their directors. The need for directors and officers (D&O) liability insurance has never been greater. You may think that D&O coverage is only for large, public companies. However, the directors and officers of small, private companies and even non-profit organizations now have a greater risk of D&O lawsuits than they did in the past. Understanding the exposures that directors and officers face, as well as the coverage and protection provided by D&O liability insurance, increases your value to both your company and to your clients. This module introduces you to the types of exposures and coverage offered, and your role in providing this important product to your client companies. This introductory module prepares you to move on to the next more detailed Asia Certificate Module 3: Public Directors & Officers Liability Insurance.

    This module is designed for:

    • Agents/brokers who are new to selling D&O liability insurance or who would like a better understanding of potential exposures for directors, officers, and organizations.
    • Underwriters who have no prior experience specifically with D&O Policies or who would benefit from a better understanding of how to assess D&O liability risks.
    • Claims professionals who have no prior experience with D&O liability insurance claims or who would like a better understanding of the D&O claims process.
    • Personnel in insurance companies who write D&O coverage.
    • Risk managers or others who would benefit from an introduction to D&O liability insurance.

    This module waives PLUS Curriculum Module 8: Directors & Officers Liability Insurance: Introduction as part of the RPLU designation.

  • Certificate in Asia PLI

    This module is designed to help increase your knowledge of directors and officers (D&O) liability insurance and develop or improve your professional skills in selling, underwriting, or managing claims for publicly-traded companies. D&O liability insurance is intended to protect directors and officers from personal liability they may face based on their actions while fulfilling the duties they owe to the shareholders of their organizations. This module focuses on the liability of public companies and the types of D&O coverage available for these exposures.

    This module was developed to help increase your knowledge of directors and officers (D&O) liability insurance for publicly-traded companies and financial organisations. D&O liability insurance is intended to protect directors and officers from personal liability they may face based on their actions while fulfilling the duties they owe to the shareholders of their organisations. While directors and officers of private and non-profit companies are also at risk for D&O claims, the greatest financial risk is to the directors and officers of publicly-traded companies and financial organisations as well as to the insurers providing their D&O liability insurance. This module expands on Asia Module 2: Introduction to Directors and Officers Liability Insurance by focusing on the liability of public companies and financial organisations and the types of D&O coverage available for these exposures.

    This module is especially important for:

    • Agents/Brokers
      Increasing your understanding of D&O liability insurance for public companies and financial organisations will help you identify and recommend more comprehensive and appropriate coverage for your clients. Your understanding of the unique characteristics of D&O liability insurance for public companies will enable you to more effectively guide your clients in evaluating and purchasing D&O coverage. This module will help you explain common policy features and coverage, identify potential coverage gaps, and suggest additional types of coverage to protect individual directors and officers. If your clients are banks or financial service organisations, then this module will help you understand the unique exposures they face and the special types of coverage they may require.
    • Underwriters
      This module will help you understand the complex factors involved in underwriting D&O Policies. You will learn the importance of the application process and the factors that D&O underwriters use in selecting suitable applicants. You will also gain insight into how D&O Policies are written. Understanding the special features of D&O liability insurance for public and financial organisations will help you assure that the policies written are appropriate for your clients.
    • Claims Professionals
      This module will help you understand the complexity of D&O Policies, claims, and litigation. While D&O Policies and provisions have some common elements, they are often unique to the individual insured. This module will provide you with greater insight into D&O Policies and the complications that can arise from D&O claims, litigation, and settlements.

    The D&O liability insurance industry is a constantly changing and challenging market. This module in the PLUS Curriculum will help you to understand how these challenges can become promising opportunities for you and for your company.

  • CPLP Designation Requirement
    Recorded On: 09/17/2024

    Complete Cyber University on your own timeline!

    Did you miss the live session of Cyber University? In this on-demand version, you'll have access to the Learner Workbook, PowerPoints, and session recordings from the most recent live virtual session. By completing this course, you'll meet the Cyber University requirement for the CPLP designation. This course does not qualify for state insurance license CE/CLE credit.

  • ExecPLP Designation Requirement

    Complete D&O University on your own timeline!

    Did you miss the live session of D&O University? In this on-demand version, you'll have access to the Learner Workbook, PowerPoints, and session recordings from the most recent live virtual session. By completing this course, you'll meet the D&O University requirement for the ExecPLP designation. This course does not qualify for state insurance license CE/CLE credit.


    This video series on ERISA Fiduciary Law highlights current ERISA issues in the Courts, Congress, or at the DOL. The Courts have been flooded with complex ERISA cases and resolutions to some involved large settlements. Congress continues to pass legislation affecting employee benefit plans requiring plan sponsors to act. And the DOL has certain enforcement and regulatory initiatives in the pipeline. Jose M. Jara, counsel at Fox Rothschild, LLP, will guide you on ERISA topics by discussing in depth with special guests from the insurance industry to provide their insights for mitigating risks.

    This video series on ERISA Fiduciary Law highlights current ERISA issues in the Courts, Congress, or at the DOL. The Courts have been flooded with complex ERISA cases and resolutions to some involved large settlements.  Congress continues to pass legislation affecting employee benefit plans requiring plan sponsors to act.  And the DOL has certain enforcement and regulatory initiatives in the pipeline.  Jose M. Jara, counsel at Fox Rothschild, LLP, will guide you on ERISA topics by discussing in depth with special guests from the insurance industry to provide their insights for mitigating risks.


    This module will provide you with improved knowledge of the fundamental insurance concepts needed for the study of professional liability insurance (PLI), greater insight into insurance company profitability, an understanding of the markets and regulatory environment in which PLI is bought and sold, and a basic understanding of the concepts and legal basis of liability.

    Fundamentals of Liability Insurance covers the fundamentals of liability insurance, including risk management, loss exposures and the role of insurance in risk financing are addressed in this module. Basic concepts of insurance, such as indemnification, risk exposures, insurable risk, claims, underwriting, and “book of business” are defined. The material explains many different types of insurance professionals involved in the process, including agents, brokers, claims professionals, underwriters, and others. The legal principles which underlie the concept of liability are discussed as they relate to general liability and specific considerations of professional liability exposures. This module also touches on regulation of insurance and the role of excess & surplus lines companies in the marketplace.


    To understand and appreciate the complexities of professional liability insurance, it helps to first understand some basic principles of general liability insurance. In this module, you will examine the relationship between risk and insurance, the risk management process, and the roles and responsibilities of insurance professionals, the regulated market, and unique characteristics of insurance contracts. In this module you will gain a greater understanding of what the potential exposures are for this line of business and how it relates to professional liability exposures and coverage.

    This module discusses the fundamental concepts & principles of CGL, including how and why it was developed, and the differences between the various types of coverage triggers. It lays out the various policy components and explains how they may be combined, through a modular approach, to provide coverage in difference combinations. The module discusses the purpose and features of excess and umbrella coverage and how they relate to the underlying insurance that an entity purchases. The various coverages – Bodily Injury & Property Damage, Personal & Advertising Injury, Medical Payments and Supplemental Payments are explained. It also addresses who is covered – Insureds and Additional Insureds – and the Limits, Conditions, and Definitions sections of the policy. The module explores the relationship between the limits of liability on excess/umbrella policies and the underlying coverages, insuring agreements, and Insureds under excess/umbrella policies. The module concludes with a discussion of special forms of coverage and how CGL relates to the PLI and excess/umbrella coverages in a portfolio of coverages for a client.


    To understand and appreciate the complexities of professional liability insurance, it helps to first understand some basic principles of general liability insurance. In this module, you will examine the relationship between risk and insurance, the risk management process, and the roles and responsibilities of insurance professionals, the regulated market, and unique characteristics of insurance contracts. In this module you will gain a greater understanding of what the potential exposures are for this line of business and how it relates to professional liability exposures and coverage.

    This module discusses the fundamental concepts & principles of CGL, including how and why it was developed, and the differences between the various types of coverage triggers. It lays out the various policy components and explains how they may be combined, through a modular approach, to provide coverage in difference combinations. The module discusses the purpose and features of excess and umbrella coverage and how they relate to the underlying insurance that an entity purchases. The various coverages – Bodily Injury & Property Damage, Personal & Advertising Injury, Medical Payments and Supplemental Payments are explained. It also addresses who is covered – Insureds and Additional Insureds – and the Limits, Conditions, and Definitions sections of the policy. The module explores the relationship between the limits of liability on excess/umbrella policies and the underlying coverages, insuring agreements, and Insureds under excess/umbrella policies. The module concludes with a discussion of special forms of coverage and how CGL relates to the PLI and excess/umbrella coverages in a portfolio of coverages for a client.

    PLEASE NOTE: This course is CE-Eligible. You'll be required to complete the course online, as well as the cumulative exam separately in a proctored setting with our testing partner, Prometric. If you don't need Continuing Education (CE) credit for a state/province insurance license, please choose the Non-CE Eligible version of this course.