FAQs About Modules
Below are common questions specific to modules. If you have a question that isn't answered here, please contact the PLUS Education Team.
How are modules and exams formatted?
Modules are broken down into individual lessons that are completed in sequential order. Lessons will open in a separate browser window. After completing the first lesson, the corresponding lesson exam or next lesson will become available. After completing all lessons and/or lesson exams, your completion certificate will become available for printing.
Exams are broken down into individual lesson exams, and are only included in non-CE eligible modules. Exams are multiple choice, and you must score 100% to pass and move on to the next lesson. You can retake a lesson exam immediately and as many times as needed, and can review your answers from your previous attempt (including which questions were answered incorrectly).
My module says "CE-Eligible" in the title. What does this mean?
CE-eligible modules should be used by those who have a state insurance license and need to earn CE credit. CE-eligible modules are formatted without lesson exams because, to meet requirements for both state insurance license CE and any PLUS designation and/or certificate program, the separate CE-eligible exam must be completed with a Prometric proctor within 365 days of purchase.
Which states are the CE-Eligible modules approved in? How many credits can I expect to earn?
Please refer to the PLUS Curriculum CE Approval Chart to see which states the module are approved in and how many credits are available.
Will I get a completion certificate after completing my module?
Yes, after completing all lessons and/or lesson exams in your module, your completion certificate will become available for printing directly from your module. Please note: When printing, we recommend you open "More Settings," then check the box for "Background graphics" to ensure the best quality.
Where are the modules I've already purchased?
You can find your modules under the My Dashboard section. This will include both completed and not yet started modules.
For modules you've completed in the past, you have access to a completion certificate and can review the module if you'd like. Please note that, as part of the course data import process, we weren't able to mark all lessons and/or lesson exams as complete. This does not affect your module's completion status in your Education Programs dashboard.
Why do my previously completed courses have a completion date of 09/02/24?
When importing previously completed course data to the upgraded system, a standard completion date was necessary and 09/02/2024 was selected. Your accurate completion date for courses will be available under Education Programs.
Additionally, during the course data import, lessons and/or lesson exams could not be marked as complete. Therefore, it is normal to see that only the Completion Certificate is marked as complete; this does not affect your completion status under Education Programs.
FAQs About Designation Programs
Below are common questions specific to PLUS designation programs. If you have a question that isn't answered here, please contact the PLUS Education Team.
How do I track my progress towards a PLUS certificate or designation program? What happens after I complete all of the requirements?
Everyone pursuing a PLUS certificate or designation must be registered for that program. Registering for the certificate or designation program(s) you're currently pursuing will not only improve and streamline your experience during the program but will also allow PLUS to review and confirm your program completion more efficiently.
Step 1: Register to track your program progress
Click here to select/register for the certificate or designation program(s) you're currently pursuing. There is no fee to register for a program, but you must complete the entire online registration process. After registering for your certificate or designation program, your modules will be organized by program under your Education Programs dashboard. You'll be able to see a list of the program requirements, as well, so you can track your progress.
Step 2: Affirm your completion to receive your certificate or designation
After you've completed the requirements for your certificate or designation program, you’ll see an Affirm Completion link by the program under your Education Programs dashboard. Click this link to notify PLUS to review and confirm your program completion. Once your certificate or designation has been confirmed by PLUS, you'll receive an email with further details, including how to access your certificate or designation digitally. Please allow up to 7 business days for PLUS to confirm your program completion.
I want to pursue multiple designations through PLUS. Do I need to retake/repeat a module if it's required for multiple designations?
No, once you complete a module, it counts towards any designation and/or certificate program you're currently pursuing, as well as any future designation and/or certificate programs.
Are there any waivers for PLUS designation programs?
PLUS does offer waivers for certain curriculum modules and university programs. Review the PLUS Designation Waiver Requirements to learn more.
FAQs About Designation Maintenance
Below are common questions specific to maintaining your PLUS designation. If you have a question that isn't answered here, please contact the PLUS Education Team.
Do I have to do anything to maintain my designation?
If you’ve earned an RPLU or RPLU+ designation, there are no maintenance requirements.
If you’ve earned a CPLP or ExecPLP designation, you’re required to report 12 hours of professional development related to cyber professional liability (for CPLP designees) or D&O professional liability (for ExecPLP designees) every 2 years to keep your designation current. Of these 12 professional development hours, at least 6 hours must come from PLUS webinars and/or in-person or on-demand events such as Cyber or D&O Symposia or Conference. The remaining hours can come from PLUS, as well, and/or organizations or sources external to PLUS.
How do I calculate my professional development hours?
For every 60 minutes of educational content you participate in, whether through PLUS* or an external organization, 1 hour of professional development can be reported.
The source of your professional development hours (e.g. event, webinar, etc.) does not need to be approved by a state insurance department for Continuing Education credit to qualify for professional development hours.
*At the PLUS Conference, sponsor-led sessions are typically only 45 minutes. If you attend one of these sessions, you can report 1 hour of professional development.
When my 2-year reporting period start and end?
Your reporting period starts the day you earn your designation and ends 2 years later. For example, if you earned your designation on July 7, 2023, your first reporting period starts July 7, 2023 and ends July 7, 2025.
How do I report my professional development hours?
Log into your PLUS account, click on the Self-Reporting Credit dashboard, then click the + Add Credits button to submit your professional development. You'll need to provide the following information:
Credit Type: Select one of the following options from in the drop-down menu.
- Select "EXT CE" if you're submitting professional development hours from an external organization or source
- Select "PLUSEDU" if you're submitting professional development hours from a PLUS Webinar
- Select "PLUSEVENT" if you're submitting professional development hours from a PLUS Conference or Symposia
Program code: Select either "CPLP Renewal" if you have the CPLP designation or "ExecPLP Renewal" if you have the ExecPLP designation.
Self-reported program: If you're submitting hours from an external organization or source, include the organization or source name here. If you're submitting hours from PLUS, include "PLUS."
Number of credits: Enter the number of hours you're submitting from this source.
Activity date: Enter the date of the program you attended.
Course information: Enter the title and details/description of the program you attended.
What happens if I don’t report enough professional development hours for my designation?
If you don’t report 12 hours of professional development by the end of your reporting period, PLUS reserves the right to revoke and invalidate your designation. Proper notification will be sent prior to revocation.
If your designation is revoked, you can request to reinstate it. Requests must be received in writing within 30 days of revocation, accompanied by a reinstatement fee.
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